Accelerate your child's learning

                                   ... so they can excel at school and beyond

Working with schools

"Conversations parents are having with children are amazing”.

"Teachers are seeing this in their classroom too, it is absolutely brilliant.”

Bright Talk Lead, Ealing, West London

Deliver YOUR school's priorities

  • Actively engage parents in their child's learning
  • Boost speech, language and oracy
  • Develop emotional intelligence and self regulation
  • Address loss of learning from lockdowns
  • Address gaps for pupil premium learners

Bright Talk upskills parents and caregivers in strategies used in school to develop oracy and thinking skills.

Easy and fun!

Bright Talk in your school

You can either run your own Bright Talk programme (see below) or use the full service option, in which we do the messaging and engagement reporting for you.

Support for your Bright Talk Lead

Your Bright Talk Lead will be supported with one to one onboarding and invited to termly update meetings with other Bright Talk schools (on Zoom). We are also always available on WhatsApp or by email.

The Lead's Guide gives an overview of the programme, setting out the structure, the techniques used and skills built in each activity as well as the activities themselves.

Introduction pack for parents and caregivers

Each programme has an introduction pack for parents and caregivers. This can either be  sent by email or run as a face to face session.

Full service option

In our full service option, we do the messaging and engagement monitoring for you.  This leaves you to focus on encouraging parents and delivering an impact in the classroom.  We will send all messages out for you, run and provide engagement reports.  This option also includes the end of programme survey.

Bespoke group

We create a bespoke group of parents and caregivers for the classes that you want to engage. Messages are sent out so that parents in the group are not able to see each other. Each person experiences the programme on a one-to-one basis in a personal coaching style.

Teachers are included in the group for free, so that you are always up to speed with the messages that are going out, enabling you to harmonise the learning at home with learning in the classroom.

As well as the activities, brief messages are sent with tips, quotes from research and prompts to ensure high levels of engagement.  The service is interactive and fully responsive to parents' requests - for example sending additional tips or tailoring suggestions to parents of SEN / higher performing children.


Making a success of Bright Talk

Small group work

Bright Talk is particularly effective when whole class activities are complemented with small group work with caregivers of targeted children.

  • Speech and Language, EAL - read how Natalie worked with a small group of parents whose children had speech and language needs and EAL.
  • Special Educational Needs - read Evie's story to understand the impact that Bright Talk had on one seven year old in a school's autistic unit.

Complementary Professional Development

Our complementary professional development supports you in harmonising the learning in the home with classroom practice. 

There are two sessions for each topic; each lasts 45 minutes.  They include inputs from research, activities and reflective readings.  The sessions are designed for face to face delivery by Bright Talk Leads to colleagues. 

For each topic, there is a Lead’s Guide - with the structure, objectives and timings - and a presentation pack.  You will be supported with a (remote) walk through of materials and processes for each topic.  We are also always available on WhatsApp or by email.

Topics include Open questions, Active listening and Enquiry based learning

Run your own Bright Talk programme

Run your own Bright Talk programme.

For schools that prefer to send the messages out themselves, we can provide the materials for a reduced fee (£200 per programme for one year).  This gives you access to all materials for one year, which you can use as many times as you like and to as many parents and caregivers.  You can choose how you send them out - by email, WhatsApp, Google Classroom or in printed form - whatever is your school's preferred communication approach.

There is a full set of social media messages, which you can paste into email or social media or just print off.  These include the activities, skill building messages, research quotes, Top Tips and milestones.  There is an introductory pack for parents that you can send out or use in a meeting.  You can also add on an end of programme survey to send out to parents and caregivers.

Our team will support you with a one to one onboarding meeting and termly follow up meetings with other schools. Plus we are always on WhatsApp.


Bright Talk Direct

Parents can sign up directly with Bright Talk (here).   This works well if you have parents from other classes that would like to do Bright Talk or parents that would like to continue after you have finished your in-school programme.


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