Accelerate your child's learning

                                   ... so they can excel at school and beyond

Bright Talk skills

Bright Talk is based on four "creativity skills" that are associated with executive functioning and are "fundamental to the definition of what it means to be a ‘successful learner’".

Problem solving
Open mindedness

"Creativity is a process which generates ideas that have value to the individual. It involves looking at familiar things with a fresh eye, examining problems with an open mind, making connections, learning from mistakes and using imagination to explore new possibilities."  Education Scotland

All Bright Talk activities are designed to develop these four skills. Programmes are structured as a spiral curriculum that gradually builds towards mastery.


"Curiosity is the engine of achievement"
Sir Ken Robinson

Curiosity skills

  • Being curious
  • Registering patterns and anomalies
  • Making use of previous knowledge
  • Researching productively
  • Formulating good questions

Curiosity drives improvement, discovery and invention.

The Business Case for Curiosity:  "Research shows that it leads to higher-performing, more-adaptable firms."  Harvard Business Review


"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.” 
Albert Einstein

Problem solving

"Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve."
Roger Lewin

Problem solving skills

  • Understanding and defining problems
  • Crafting, delivering and presenting solutions
  • Demonstrating initiative, discipline, persistence and resilience
  • Evaluating impact and success of solutions
  • Identifying and implementing next steps in refinement or development process

Children with good problem-solving skills don’t give up or get frustrated when they encounter a challenge. Instead, they manage their emotions, think creatively and persist to find solutions to problems.

Open mindedness

“The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Open mindedness skills

  • Using lateral thinking
  • Hypothesising
  • Exploring multiple viewpoints
  • Being flexible, adaptable and functioning well with uncertainty

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