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Essential life skills to help your child succeed
Parents and caregivers notice immediate benefits when they start having Great Conversations.
“Improved her ability to listen and interact with others.”
Vocabulary and language
"She has picked up a lot of new vocabulary which she is using in her conversation."
“It helps a child to express themselves.”
“Her conversations are growing longer by the day.”
"The activities are easy and helpful to having longer conversations."
“Bright Talk brings close a parent to a child and creates a strong bond between the two.”
Quality time
"It is a lovely moment to nurture and grow this relationship."
"She has grown to love the conversations."
Activities, tips and milestones are sent directly to your phone (by WhatsApp) as an interactive personal coaching experience.
Each activity introduces one of the four techniques. These are easy and fun and designed fit alongside your everyday routines. They require no additional skills or resources.
The programme provides practice in the techniques up to mastery level and ends with a celebration of the new skills developed.
Or message us
Great Conversations
Starting conversations
Talking and doing
© CSC Education 2022. All rights reserved.